Wednesday, 20 May 2009

From Death Til Now - Web Comic

From Death Til NowFrom Death Til Now PageNow where to start with this one. . . This is a great tlittle online comic that has me hooked and desperate for more. Basically George and Virgil who are lifelong friend now in the twighlight of life go on a fishing trip. Sounds pretty dull but its anything but. A wonderfully crafted story that draws you in immediately. I'm not gonna say anymore about the plot as I dont want to spoil it just check out the sample page on the right and you'll know its not gonna be a boring strip about two old guys fishing. The Only thing I'm not keen on is the use of Copperplate Gothic font in the logo and web header buts that's just me.

The Writing
The main characters are very realistic and believable. There are some really good flashback sequences that fill in the background info once the story gets going giving a greater understanding of character motivations and aims. Now here's a statement. The two main character George and Virgil are a better duo than Will Smith and Martin Laurence. Better than Mathau and Lemon. . . So far.

The Art
I Like the art. Nice and simple with a animated feel to it. You can see this easily being translated to an animated version. The style of the art is similar, in my opinion, to DJ Coffman of Flobots and Hero By Night Fame. Done beautifully in black and white this comics is a quality read.

Currently on Hiatus but will hopefully return soon. Over 90 pages to get you started though.

From Death Til Now Online Comic
Michael E. Regina Studio Website

Recommended if you like. . .
Buddy Movies, Up, Hero By Night, Indiana Jones etc

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Plan B - Web Comic

Plan BPages from Plan BVeronica is a 30 year old Supervillain who has spent the last 3 years amassing state-of-the-art weapons, designing technology you could only dream of and plotting out how to save the world from itself. All this while you've been watching Pop Idol.. And the reason for this? Well as she puts so eloquently you're better to get it from her. Click here for her motivational introduction promo piece.

The Writing
Very Well done, the character borders on genius at times and at no point leaves you wondering about character motivations and aims. The concept of the story at its base level is along the lines of Marvel's Thunderbolts and other comics that focus on the the villain. I must point out that although I use the Thunderbolts as a reference this online comic is nothing at all like the Thunderbolts. I've read all 5 of the parts/issues so far and my enjoyment of this gets more as it goes. my only gripe is that the end comes to quickly. you can read the whole thing in less than 20 minutes.

The Art
I'm not a huge fan of the line work but the simplicity if the lines mixed with the colour used does work extremely well and does not detract from the story. The character designs are good and instantly recognisable as individuals. The action sequences well laid out and easy to follow. While I'd not have picked this up in a store due to the art it does not stop me really enjoying aspect of it online. . . or maybe its just because its free. I would however pick up a printed trade now that I've got into it. So final word is that the art grows on you.


Plan B Online Comic
Creator's Deviant art Page
Comic's Face Book Group

Recommended if you like. . .
Magellan, Invincible, Thunderbolts etc

Friday, 15 May 2009

Sam and Lilah - Web Comic

Sam and LilahPages from Sam and LilahFound this little piece of web wonder while hunting around other webcomic blogs. I initially passed it by as from the impression I got it reminded me of that line of "girl friendly" comics Marvel brought out a few years ago. I was so wrong. This is a really well done love story with vague-ish biblical references. I believe that this came in 4th in the Zuda monthly. Here's how its described over on the Act-i-vate site. " Fate really is a four-letter word. When Lilah meets Sam at a coffee shop, things seem to be headed in the right direction. He's cute, fit, not shy but not cocky. The problem is, Sam is short for Samson and when your name is short for Delilah, that's Trouble."

The Writing
I don't think I'm doing this comic a disservice by saying that the writing is cute. The story is so far is about falling in love and overcoming the unique obstacle the main characters have to face. The interaction between the two main cast members flows well and although more related to the art of this comic the use of little emoticon symbols and sound effects to emphasise the action or lack of it in certain scenes is nothing short of genius. I've seen this kind of stuff used a fair bit in manga based stuff and although this has a manga-esque overtone it is essentially an American style book with a manga influence. The story so far have moved forward at an acceptable pace and has enough pull to keep me coming back.

The Art
The art is brilliant. While not usually a style I like manga-esque feel of the art works well for this story. Like I mentioned above there is a definite "Marvel Romance" feel to the art but don't let this detract from a really good script. From my point of view each page has been expertly designed and works as a stand alone piece of art. I can see various design influence throughout the strip that make me believe that the creative team really have an eye for good design and maximise each page layout getting the most impact possible from each panel. Also this is one of the first things I've read where great care has been taken to incorporate sound effects and symbols to enhance the actual story telling not your usual Thwack, Snikt, Boom! stuff here.


Sam and Lilah Online Comic

Recommended if you like. . .
Strangers in Paradise, Romance Comics, Romeo and Juliet, Questionable Content etc

Thursday, 7 May 2009

The Last Warring Angel - Web Comic

The Last Warring AngelPage from Last Warring AngelYou ever read a comic and think to yourself "This would make a great movie"? Yeah, me too. This online comic would make a great movie and I think the creators already have their cast picked out. In fact I think that this was possibly a movie script turned into a comic book as it reads like a movie and the cinematic style of the art easily lets your brain join the dots to make this an almost cinematic experience. The concept behind this comic is not a new one and has been done a few times over my comic reading experience as well as in a few movies but rarely have I read a comic like this and been able to picture it as movie. Credit must go to the artist for his skill in bringing the likeness of certain actor through in his work. Now onto a quick synopsis. Heaven vs Hell in an all out action packed adventure featuring Tom Cruise, Jennifer Garner, Gene Hackman and Samuel Jackson. . . well that would be the movie but the comic is the next best thing so go read it.

The Writing
At times i forgot i was reading a comic and the story plays out like a movie. I guess this was planned as the company is called Cinema Comics. Anyway. . . Although similar themes and stories have been done in comic and movies over the years I feel this one is one of the best. The character are solid and through the writers vision you instantly like or hate the ones you're supposed to. The pacing is perfect and although some of the scenes could be extended they work really well in this 5 issue format. A good solid back story provides the foundations for this not so futuristic tale set in 2015.

The Art
Brilliant. After reading this all the way through I have to say that I'm surprised that Marc Borstel is not one of the biggest stars in mainstream comics today. His art style is up there with Alan Davis and Brian Hitch and his ability to render likenesses is better that Greg Land. The art is a big part of why I gave this comic a 10. Not only for the line work but the colours are amazing too. Almost Cinematic!! I've since been and found Mr Borstels blog and seen some of the other stuff he does. Simply breathtaking!

Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

The Last Warring Angel Online Comic
Cinema Comics Website
Artist Marc Borstel's Personal Blog

Recommended if you like. . .
The Prophecy, Mission Impossible, Highlander, Jerry Bruckheimer movies etc

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Tozo - Web Comic

The Public Servent TozoPages from TozoNot very often you come across a gem like this. This book has a very European feel to it's style and in many way reminds me of things like Tin Tin with a smattering of Mr Ben and a flavour of moebius. The official synopsis describes the comic like this; "When Detective Inspector Tozo is asked to investigate the murder of an employee of the Financial Exchange, he has little idea that the trail will lead him into a shadowy and deadly world of political intrigue, smuggling and religious conspiracy." Which is spot on and saves me rabbling on about it.

The Writing
Enthralling, I normally read a webcomic over a few sittings this was one of the ones that I had get right up to date with before pulling myself away from the screen. The main character are instantly likeable and the addition of the Mecha supporting cast is a nice touch. We have religious themes and scientific wonders with an ominous foreshadowing of dread all taking place around a seemingly utopean monarchy run society.

The Art
Like I said above it has shades of Tin Tin and the tv show Mr Ben. I'd also throw in a similarity to Paul Smith (X-men, Leave it to Chance). The colours suit the themes of the story and are typical of the European stuff I remember as a kid. The art is simplistic with a slight slant toward being cartoony. This does not take anything away from the stroy, in fact it suits the story perfectly.

Weekly on Sundays.

Tozo Online Comic

Recommended if you like. . .
This is an odd one not like anything else really. If you can help me out here please do.