So, as with the previous post below are some Cool Webcomics that I've been reading and felt the urge to tell you about, well in the very least give you a link so you can go check them out for yourself.
I'm sure that you'll find something that you like, if not in this post then most definitely somewhere on the blog.
For Lovers of Dragons and Fantasy webcomics Tears of the Dragon is awesome. Go read it here.
Teenage spies, espionage, International Danger. That'd be Spy6teen. Another cool webcomic. http://www.spy6teen.com
Check out Team Mummy online comic. It's insane. http://teammummy.blogspot.com/
Check out The Assignment from R & R Comics. Well worth your attention. http://bit.ly/yxV8G
Go have a look at Hard Graft http://hard-graft.net/ very enjoyable.
Found this awesome webcomic called The Class. Think this is gonna be a big deal. http://t.co/t5UNcug go read it now.
Found another promising webcomic. It's called Blueyonder. Don't confuse it with the broadband and TV provider Blue Yonder. Who are now Virgin. . . Just go check out http://t.co/bRbnQ4T. It is very nice.
Another nice Little Webcomic for your viewing pleasure http://www.whoisrain.com.
Malaak: Angel of Peace. About a Lebanese superhero. Well worth your time http://bit.ly/iu0gw.
The Allies lost WWII. Find out what happened after that in Heroes Inc.http://bit.ly/7VtN9p great story, great art!
Zombie Fun. Gotta love a good Zombie Webcomic! check out http://www.zombenstrikes.com
Specimen b-28 just got a brand new website. making it much easier to enjoy. http://www.specimenb28.com
Only 25 pages so far but looks really good. Go check it out. http://abaddoncomic.com/
Check out 'Light Years Away' on Floodworks. A certified Cool(by me) online comic http://bit.ly/4pfUrZ.
Everyone's probably already reading this one but check out the brilliant 'Jackie Rose' http://www.jackierosecomic.com
Still more to come soon. I've been Tweeting lots.