I'll still be updating the blog from time to time with the posts from twitter and I'll try and get back to writing more detailed posts but as this is just a labour of love for me it has to come behind all the paying work and family stuff. Anyway hope you enjoy the latest installment of comics and don't forget to comment.
Check this webcomic. http://www.d20something.com/d20
Are you all up to date with Tozo - the Public Servant? http://tozocomic.com/
Hand of the Morningstar is worth a look! http://handofthemorningstar.com/
Book 2 of Sacred Pie has just concluded. a great time to go read the whole epic so far: http://www.sacredpie.com/
Check out Terminals. Its really good! http://terminalscomic.com/
Check this. http://www.foreignmattercomic.com/
Check this out http://talesofarmstrong.com/
Check this http://runninwithagun.ca/
Found this. "Will Work for Blood" 50 or so episodes/pages so far. Got me gripped. so go check it. http://wwfb.smackjeeves.com/
Just in case you're interested. http://www.makeshiftmiracle.com
Check this out. http://www.falsepositivecomic.com awesome so far.
This looks like it could be fun. http://www.spindrift-comic.com/
Check this out http://abaddoncomic.com/
What about This? http://www.iaviv.com/stupidsnake/ can't make up my mind if it's nonsense or the best webcomic I've ever read.
This is very good. worth checking out http://www.ineffableaether.com/
Hey. Did i tell you all to check this out? http://www.agreeablecomics.com/kimimura/ if not I'm really sorry. it's awesome.
Go read this? http://www.agreeablecomics.com/fight/ it's lots of fun!!
I happened upon this http://adalee.smackjeeves.com/ Not my usual cup of tea but I found it very entertaining. You should go check it out.
Hey. Found a new Webcomic. Only a couple of pages so far but looks interesting. http://the-backwoods.com/
Found This. It's good! http://www.ipp-comics.de/en/comics/title:dorn/
found this. passing it in. go check it!! http://counteragents.wordpress.com/2011/11/01/counter-agents-entry-1/
Check this out. A nice little online comic http://www.adlerswatch.com/
Hey folks check out http://www.freemarscomic.com Another cool webcomic.
Found this http://olddyingkitty.com/William_Feist/ It's awesome. Go Read it now!
Are you checking out The Revenger? You should be it's good so far. http://revengercomic.com
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